The ratings are for the game only.
My war opions did not affect my vote, I gave you a 3 as it was pretty good. Nice graphics, good sounds, not very original but hey it was quite fun. By submitting this your going to get reviwers arguing or agreeing with you on the war. I'd just like to say, I'm English, not American, but I don't have a problem with Americans, if anything I like them. When you made this game you really had 2 decisions on who the main guy to kill could be (If it was about the Iraq war) George Bush or Saddam Hussein. Being an anti-war-ist (Don't tell me your not cause if you arn't what the hell r u doing submitting this) you choose George Bush, a man who by his orders has led to the death of innocent people, not a great number though. You decided to choose this guy over Saddam Hussein, a man who by his orders has led to the death of over 1 million people, many many of them innocent. He has also shot a few himself. Want to forcefully remove him even though it will cost a few innocent lives? Or just fuck it all and make a game about killing George Bush?