Nice length, nice graphics, nice effort, wasnt very funny though & what's this about you being proud of the storyline? Well I'm guessing you mean in the next part cause noone coould think a fired scientist wanting revenge is a good storyline.
Nice length, nice graphics, nice effort, wasnt very funny though & what's this about you being proud of the storyline? Well I'm guessing you mean in the next part cause noone coould think a fired scientist wanting revenge is a good storyline.
PK3 should be judge as one movie, the plot thickens and all is revieled in PK3.3.
And you lot are still voting high on things like this. Lol fucking idiots...
Well at first I really thought, why the hell is this doing well, its just another fight. However what you did with the sprites & animation was really impressive, you managed to keep it fast paced and the sword bits & stuff were actually quite pleasing to watch, It wasnt great but it was good & probs gave me more fun than watching fucking matrix revolution fights, what a shit film that turned out to be... Anyways, nicely done.
What in the fuck? Mate that was boring as hell, the same thing just basically happened again & again, hardly any movement & it took about a minute to say anything... What were you thinking?????
Yeah another stick thing, but it was ok compared to many, it didn't get bored or anything & the animation was nice & smooth. Ya way better than that Ringfinger guy anyways, can't believe u gave credit to him if it was for the idea cos it's 'xiao xiao' you should be giving it to.
Read Omnicyte's review about 7 reviews back, he got it perfectly. But I kinda lost all respect in ya mate when you said all my games were shit in one reply to a review & then said one of them was good in a review after... But I put all that behind, only to see your still making movies exactly the fucking same, most unoriginal, boring as fuck things. I mean bloody hell mate, get a life, stop making these things, or atleast only make them once every few months, I only make mine like every 3/4 months on average. But don't top it all off by making the same thing again. Yeah, yeah screw all your "You suck" shit cos u completely embarrased yourself with your reply to my other review. I believe the line is ummmm... "Make some 'friends'...!" are so fucking lame.....i regret reviewing your last game, in fact, i had totally forgotten it was you...LOL!, If you hate me, or my work....STOP WATCHING THEM!!! STOP REVIEWING THEM!!!! YOU FUCKING SUCK! ACCEPT IT!
Ok, maybe not all that last reviewer said was right but........ Ah actually fuck it, he pretty much got it in one
Hate to say this but that reptileking review guy got it in one. It was fairly well made but seriously some of those spellings were so bad, were they supposed to be a joke? E.g. sexiest spelt sekseust or something. Also I could'v ebeen funny with the ideas you had but somehow you managed to make it fucking suck so bad that it nearly put me to sleep. I like clock things I really do but this blew ass.
Sweet mother of fuck, your nearly 18 & ya still into this greebo music. Fucking hell mate don't even try argue. The fast paced action effect was really good but it looked really cheap with not much of a background. Argue & cry all ya want but as many others say, I gotta go with the 15 year old thing. Get some style... Ya clearly ain't got any from this, don't say "I have got style!" just get some...
Greebo music? Sorry, i like Metal and hard Rock because i dont listen to angle and country music like you.
And yes i am going to argue, i do have style, this was a SIDE project.
As for the background, yeah i know, i was going to put in a better background for the first scene, but since the BG came a little late and i had already done to many things to the small hill of grass, i decided it wasn't needed. Plus it really slows down framerate.
Age 40, Male
Joined on 7/12/02